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How Long Do You Have to Wear a Retainer After Your Braces Come Off?

February 17th, 2023


After you or your child gets your braces off, the grand reveal is one of life's super sweet moments. The perfectly straight teeth. The dazzling smile. Life is brilliant! However, once the primary orthodontia ends, know that you'll need to replace your braces with another piece of dental hardware – a retainer. By wearing a retainer, you'll help keep your teeth straight and your smile dazzling.

But how long must you wear a retainer? By learning more about the necessity of a retainer post-braces, you'll better understand the various factors that determine the length of time you'll need to sport a retainer.

Braces and Retainers: How They Work Together

Braces are necessary to correct a variety of conditions, including:

  • A bad bite – also known as a malocclusion – can be an overbite or an underbite
  • Crooked, crowded, spaced-out, or protruding teeth
  • Jaws that don't line up correctly
  • Misalignment at any point in your mouth

The type of braces you'll get typically reflects how much movement your teeth need to straighten and align perfectly. The time you need to wear braces depends on how much correction your teeth and mouth require, but it's usually two to three years.

Removing your braces after a couple or more years is certainly a reason to smile, but to retain that smile, your retainer needs to be your best friend. A retainer is a custom-made dental appliance designed to keep teeth in place after braces finally come off. It allows your newly aligned teeth time to settle into the soft tissue and jawbone that house them. Otherwise, your teeth will naturally try to shift over time.

By not wearing a retainer after braces, you could potentially undo all the beautiful work your braces put into correcting your dental issues. Not to mention that you'll have wasted all the time and costs that went into your braces. So, a retainer's an essential part of teeth straightening and alignment.

Retainer Types and Length of Time for Wearing Them

Depending on your dental situation, you might receive a removable and a fixed retainer. Or your orthodontist might recommend both – one on your upper teeth and the other on your bottom teeth. Whichever one you sport, your orthodontist will prescribe when and how long you must wear the retainer for optimum results, notes the American Association of Orthodontics (AAO).

Removable Retainer: You'll typically wear this retainer full time for four months to a year after braces, only removing it when you're eating or brushing your teeth. After your prescribed period of time, your orthodontist will determine if you need to wear your retainer longer.

Even if your orthodontist detects no tooth movement following the time you wear your retainer, they might recommend keeping your retainer on only during the night for further assurance your straightened teeth are stable. This could be for a few months or years more – or, depending on your teeth, indefinitely.

Fixed Retainer: With a fixed retainer, you don't have to keep track of it or remember to put it in after eating or brushing. Bonded to your teeth in an unobtrusive spot – usually the back of your teeth – you might need to wear this retainer longer, perhaps years.

Because you can't remove a fixed retainer when eating, there's a chance that periodontal issues might arise without strict oral health measures. However, there's a greater chance of retaining all the benefits your braces provided because it's constantly keeping your teeth stable.

Caring for Your Retainer

Because you must wear your retainer exactly as your orthodontist prescribes, the AAO has some retainer maintenance suggestions. Keeping your retainer in good shape will help it do its job – keep your teeth straight and in alignment – so you don't have to wear it any longer than necessary.

For removable retainers:

  • Put your retainer in its case only when it's not in your mouth. And always keep your retainer case with you.
  • Keep your retainer away from heat and pets.
  • Follow your orthodontist's prescribed cleaning method, which might involve brushing your retainer or soaking it in a denture-cleaning product.
  • Drink only water when you wear your retainer, as other beverages can get caught between the retainer and your teeth, leading to decay.

For fixed retainers: Brush and floss diligently, perhaps using an interproximal toothbrush to remove the plaque and tartar prone to build up around fixed retainers.

Every retainer situation is different. The length of time you need to wear a retainer depends on factors that led you to wear braces in the first place, the type of retainer you wear, and how well you maintain it. Know that wearing a retainer is much easier than wearing braces and allows you to retain your perfect teeth and smile.

Oral Care Center articles are reviewed by an oral health medical professional. This information is for educational purposes only. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist, physician or other qualified healthcare provider. 

Reference: https://www.colgate.com/en-us/oral-health/early-orthodontics/how-long-do-you-have-to-wear-a-retainer#

2022 Invisalign™ Ortho Summit

February 3rd, 2023

2022 Invisalign Ortho Summit Gala

2022 Invisalign

Ortho Summit

November 17–20, 2022 | ARIA Resort Las Vegas

After two years of no traveling, it was time for us to hit the road for a well-deserved staff trip to enhance our continuing education... Next stop LAS VEGAS!

During the 4 days of immersing ourselves at the Invisalign Summit there was never a dull moment. Invisalign went all out for their 25th Anniversary, from Galas with live performances to our own personal private Canadian mixer. When our learning concluded each day, it was time to explore the bright lights of the city of Las Vegas. Check out our Instagram for our trip highlights.  

Summit Overview

Dynamic general sessions

Focused on practice transformation through digital orthodontics, how Align’s digital platform supports your practice goals, peer insights and success stories, new and coming innovations.

Actionable breakout sessions

Rapid-fire “TED Talks” and lectures on the “how” of increasing efficiency through digital workflows, getting the outcomes you want, and tips and techniques for every team member to put into action on Monday morning.

Innovation hub

Featuring new programs and resources to support your practice marketing campaigns, 1:1 demos and clinical support, iTero scanner demos and training, and more.

The Right Way to Floss

January 20th, 2023

Dentists say flossing is as important as brushing. Here's how to do it correctly.

Written by Shelley Levitt

 Medically Reviewed by Eric Yabu, DDS on September 21, 2013FROM THE WEBMD ARCHIVES

It's a simple piece of string, sometimes flavored, often waxed. Wrap 18 inches or so around your finger, and you have a powerful tool that can help prevent cavities and give your overall health a big boost.

Dental floss dislodges food particles trapped between the teeth and under the gums where toothbrushes can't reach. Left unchecked, bacterial buildup can lead to cavities, bad breath, and gum disease.

If that's not scary enough, Jyoti Srivastava, DDS, a New York City dentist with advanced training in tooth replacement and restoration, points out that "gum disease is an inflammatory disorder that can contribute to major problems throughout the body." Recent studies suggest links between advanced gum disease and diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer's, and stomach cancer, though more research is needed.

If you practiced ideal dental hygiene, you'd be flossing after every meal. "Do that and you'll have an absolutely immaculate mouth," says Srivastava, "but we know that's not practical for most people -- so we hope our patients floss once daily." Bedtime, rather than morning, is the better choice for once-a-day flossers.

"Your salivary flow is very low when you're sleeping," Srivastava says. "So for those 7 or 8 hours you're in bed, you're not washing away the bacteria teeming in your mouth."

Dentists recommend spending 2 minutes brushing your teeth. With practice, flossing will take you an additional minute. Begin on the upper right, go all the way around to the upper left, and then go from the lower left to the lower right.

If you're so tired at the end of your day that you can devote only 60 seconds to dental hygiene, what do you do? Floss. "I'm not suggesting you skip brushing, but it's absolutely essential to floss every day," says Srivastava.

What Kind of Floss?

Stand in the dental aisle of your drugstore, and you'll see a variety of dental floss. Srivastava breaks down the choices with these tips.

Waxed vs. unwaxed floss. They're equally effective at removing tooth debris, but "I strongly recommend waxed. It's much easier to slide between your teeth and much less likely to shred," Srivastava says.

Linked to Original Article: https://www.webmd.com/oral-health/features/your-smile-flossing

The Ugly Truth About Your Toothbrush

January 13th, 2023

As easy as it may seem to do, very few of us brush our teeth as well as we could. Thankfully, where there are mistakes, there are ways to fix them.

1. You pick the wrong brush.

How do you choose from the mind-melting selection of brushes at your local supermarket?

Kimberly Harms, a dentist from Farmington, MN, says make sure your brush can cover the places that need covering. That’s everywhere you should be able to reach with a toothbrush. It can be a power toothbrush or a manual one. But there is one rule Harms says isn’t negotiable.

“The one thing that we really insist upon -- it’s very important -- is it has to have soft bristles,” she says. “The bristles need to be able to bend, to kind of get right under that gum.”

The size of the brush’s head is important, too, especially if you have a smaller mouth. Brushes also have various sizes of handles and different angles. Some are more flexible than others.

But the critical part, dentists agree, is the bristles that remove the bacteria and loosen plaque from your teeth and gums. That plaque can cause gum disease and lead to tooth decay.“Sometimes people think that the harder the bristles are, the more they’ll clean. But that’s not something that’s necessarily true,” says Maricelle Abayon, a dentist with the Eastman Institute for Oral Health in Rochester, NY.

“Soft bristles clean very effectively, more than the hard bristles. The hard bristles actually can wear down your tooth structure.”

Look for the American Dental Association seal of approval on your new brush, too.

2. You go to town on your teeth.

When it comes to brushing, harder isn’t better.

“I think one of the biggest issues that people have is that they try to scrub their teeth too hard. They feel like if they really don’t go at the teeth, like they’re trying to clean the grout in their bathroom tile, that they’re not doing the right job,” says Matt Messina, a dentist from Fairview Park, OH.

Plaque is soft and loose, so you don’t have to scrub, Messina says.

“The best way to fix this is to take away the mental issue of ‘scrub’ and ‘scrub brush’ and replace it with the word ‘massage.’”

3. You rush.

You should brush at least twice a day for 2 minutes each time. But you’re late for school or work. Or you want to get to bed. Once in a while, you need to cut that brushing short.


“We used to suggest, back in the day, we’d talk about using an egg timer or something like that,” Messina says. “But everybody has this wonderful thing on their body all the time now called a cell phone. If you want to set a timer and set it for 2 minutes, that’s great.

“I see a lot of young people walking around with headphones on,” she says. “If you can leave your headphones in and put on a song, your average pop song’s in the 2-3 minute range. So if you brush while you listen to one of your favorite songs, you’ve probably been in there long enough.”

4. You hold on too long.

When you find a good toothbrush, it’s sometimes hard to give it up. But when you see changes in the bristles -- when they become discolored, bent, or dirty looking -- it’s time to chuck the brush.

It loses its powers when the bristles become frayed. So change it at least every 3 to 4 months. Also, it’s smart not to share your brush with anyone else. And keep it in the open air to keep mold or bacteria from growing on it when it’s wet.
